
The objective of Producer Rights Denmark (PRD) is to manage TV and film rights on behalf of producers and distributors. The rights relate primarily to exploitation comprised by the provisions of the extended collective licence set out in sections 13, 17, 30a, 35 and 50(2) of the Danish Act on Copyright (ophavsretsloven) plus the Act's provisions on remuneration for the reproduction of works for private use (sections 39-46a).

PRD does not make agreements in its own right concerning the exploitation of TV and film rights. PRD has authorised Copydan to license the rights that the organisation manages.

PRD represents both Danish and foreign holders of producers' rights.

PRD redistributes rights revenue to Danish and foreign holders of producers' rights as well as to the organisation’s foreign cooperation partners. The bulk of rights revenue relates to TV distributors’ retransmission and digital exploitation of TV content.

PRD additionally manages rights in a number of smaller areas such as DR Archives, Film in schools and TV programmes for educational purposes, and others.

PRD also distributes revenue received as compensation for the lawful reproduction of audiovisual content on blank media for private use.