Producer Rights Denmark’s support fund KulturPlus-funds is a fund to which anyone in the TV and film industry can apply. The fund receives its revenue from Copydan KulturPlus on behalf of TV and film producers as compensation for the lawful copying of content for private use in Denmark. Under Danish law, two-thirds of the revenue is distributed individually to Danish and foreign producers that have supplied productions to Danish TV stations, and the remaining third is distributed collectively. The individual distribution of funds is handled through the business area Private copying (PRK) (Formerly Blank media) , while the support fund KulturPlus-funds handles the collective distribution.
Objective of the fund
The objective of the support fund KulturPlus-funds is to promote film and TV as cultural media, both nationally and internationally. Support is granted to projects that preserve, develop and benefit the film medium and the TV and film industry that produces moving images (film, TV and similar).
Who can apply for support
Anyone in the TV and film industry can apply for support, regardless of nationality and membership.
The applications must relate to industry-relevant initiatives that can promote film and TV as cultural media, both in Denmark and abroad. Danish film and TV are the focus of support.
Knowledge sharing:
- Festivals
- Conferences
- Seminars
- Master classes
- Publications
- Project support
- Participation in international TV and film events and similar.
- Study grants for courses/educational stays abroad (individual)
- Support for developing and completing industry-relevant educational programmes (institutions)
Educational support is primarily targeted at educational programmes for producers and executive producers.
Support is not granted for production purposes, including development and distribution, and applications for general operations support must also expect to be turned down.
Support may be granted in the form of deficit guarantee.
Application form
The digital application system is now available at www.kollektivemidler.dk, where you as an applicant will also find the specific terms and conditions in regards to applying for support.
If you want to submit an application, you must create a user in our new application system. Here, as an applicant, you will be able to follow the status of your ongoing applictations, and in the future also see the details of previous grants.
If you have questions about the collective funds and the application process please call Anette Kure Corneliussen +45 21 13 62 14 or write to info@producentrettigheder.dk.
Application deadline and reply
Application deadline is at the beginning of May every year. The next application deadline is 1 May 2025. Applications can be created and edited up to and including 1 May 2025 at midnight.
Replies to applications
Applicants can expect a reply to their applications in the first week of June. A written reply will be sent to the e-mail address provided in the application. Regarding company applications, an email will also be sent to the authorized signatory in the company, as stated in the application, if it is not the authorized signatory who is applying.
Applicants will be notified about refusals as quickly as possible. Grounds for the refusal will not be given.
Consideration of applications
Applications are considered by a board committee appointed by the board of PRD.
The board committee assesses which applications to accept and the amount to be granted. To the widest extent possible, the committee seeks to consider all producer groups.
The board committee:
- Anders Kjærhauge, Zentropa
- Mads K. Jørgensen, Nordisk Film A/S
- Nanna Hummelmose, Art Law
The committee typically attaches weight to:
- A clearly formulated project aim
- A realistic budget and time schedule
- A project that is not a purely commercial undertaking
- A well-reasoned application describing how the project will promote film as a cultural medium and/or benefit the film industry
The committee for the upcoming distribution round is appointed by the PRD board after the general meeting at the end of April.
Requirements and criteria
Support will be distributed on the basis of written applications created in the organisation’s digital application system. Only applications created and accepted in relation to the requirements specified in the system will be considered. Incomplete applications will not be processed and will usually be deleted after 3 months.
It is possible to create several different applications for the same pool.
A project application must as a minimum contain:
- A project description accounting for the purpose of support and a time schedule
- A budget
An education application must as a minimum contain:
- An application description accounting for the purpose of support and a time schedule
- A budget
- A CV (for applications for individual support for studies, etc)
Further it would be beneficial for the education applications to contain recommendations, references, documentation regarding admission to an educational institution or similar.
Applications must always include a budget setting out all relevant expenses. The budget must contain information about support funding applied for or expected to be received from other parties as well as information about any cooperation partners and sponsors.
Special conditions
The board committee may establish conditions for certain grants. For example, payment of support may be made conditional on documentation demonstrating that the overall project can be completed, eg, that all the required financing, as set out in a budget, has been obtained, or that the applicant has been accepted for admission to an educational institution.
Any conditions on the part of the committee must be met in order to have the grant paid out.
If you, your organisation or your company have been granted support from the collective funds, you must upload your payment information in the application system. Any conditions for payment of the grant must be met.
It is a precondition for the grant that documentation of the use of the funds is submitted to PRD on request. If this requirement is not met, you may be asked to repay the funds granted.
If only part of the grant is used, any residual amount will follow PRD's general policy for nondistributable funds.
PRD requires that recipients of support submit a report. If no report is submitted, you may be asked to repay the funds granted, nor will future applications be considered. The report can take the form of, eg, closed project accounts or financial statements, a reference to a website or similar material.
Reporting is uploaded in the application system after the funds have been paid out. Reporting must include all relevant expenses. It is a requirement that the report contains information on funds granted from other parties. No support can be obtained for an expense that has already been covered by another party.
Recipients of support must consent to having their names, year of application and the purpose of their application disclosed in publicity about PRD’s collective funds. At the same time recipients of support must, on public occasions where it makes sense, inform about the support given from PRD.
The payment of support is automatically reported to SKAT (the Danish Customs and Tax Administration) as B income (income not taxed at source).
Study grants for study abroad
In special cases, study grants for study abroad will be tax-exempt. As a recipient of support, you should check these matters with SKAT. Companies have the option of adjusting data reported to SKAT. If we are to adjust data reported to SKAT regarding an individual recipient of support, we must receive full accounts and other relevant documentation for the particular year in which support was received.
Recipients of support in previous years
The following is a list of the total amount distributed by year as well as a list of applicants receiving support from the collective funds at PRD (formerly Filmkopi) in 2013-2022:
Total amount distributed by year:
2013 DKK 1,906,000
2014 DKK 2,148,800
2015 DKK 2,231,267
2016 DKK 1,424,000
2017 DKK 1,359,777
2018 DKK 1,362,482
2019 DKK 1,446,488
2020 DKK 1,900,297
2021 DKK 1,895,020
2022 DKK 1,763,397
See recipients of support 2013-2022
Non-distributable funds
If, for one year, it is not possible to distribute the entire amount available regarding the Collective funds, any residual amount will follow PRD's general policy for non-distributable funds.
Read more about general policies
If you have questions regarding the Collective funds, please write an email to info@producentrettigheder.dk.